DVD cover serves different purposes: it protects a disc, informs an individual on the disc content and sets expectations for the content. It forms the 1st impression which in its turn affects the thought of the disc content. DVD cover design can be a key branding part of the disc creation. For your kitchen at home DVD cover design may ultimately impact the way you use the disc.

Become familiar with from this guide learn how to create original DVD cover design, will see fresh CD design ideas, access countless DVD cover design templates. Before starting, let's summarize the equipment you'll employ in the process:
DVD cover maker - this is a PC application with a DVD cover design template collection, editor and printing options.
Disc content data - following a guidelines of DVD cover design you will have to put DVD essentials for the cover (date of creation, type or name of content, report on content, etc). The next chapter will give you a check-list of internet data which needs to be put on the DVD cover or CD design.
Design elements - these are generally narrative images, photos, brand identity (as logos, fonts, colors).
Dvd cover the appearance of home collection is really a free design which may be made far more convenient for daily use. Because of this there aren't any strict rules of how to create a perfect DVD cover design. Just follow the basics:
Use a prominent image for any DVD cover design to tell apart this content in a flash;
Text should be clearly readable from the design - consider font and size, transparency, color, styles and outcomes of the text. Occasionally the simplest way is with less or perhaps no effects;
Use only essential data as content type and name or report on contents, date of creation and certain details if any.
For business usage DVD cover design is crucial. Follow the next rules:
DVD cover size - when making a CD cover design mind the dimensions of DVD cover and DVD box and estimate how each design element will look on the cover for these size. More on CD cover dimensions read here. And also this article will show you through the most favored DVD case dimensions.
Just use original good quality images - the images you have should not be pixelated, blurred or misaligned without the quality issues. Don't use images from the web because this violates copyright.
Depending on type of content of an disc you can use your brand identity from the DVD cover design - for example, if the disc contains product catalogue, lectures, presentation or any other marketing content, then besides logo, brand colors and company name you can even use contact information as website, email or telephone number inside the DVD cover design;
Readability is important for business disc - avoid the use of text over the busy background image. Think about plain background for your text.
You should use DVD cover makers for form of DVD covers for use on your use and your business. With one of these applications attached to your PC you won't need additional tools and editors and also specific online services for DVD cover design or CD design ideas.
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